
regarding COVID-19 and Vaccinations

Prepared by Ps Phil Pringle, working with the C3 Church Global Exec

29th July 2021

Covid is a threat to world health. It has affected millions of lives globally many becoming sick and many dying. Very sadly two C3 pastors have died and some C3 members have died after contracting Covid 19.

Our Governments are facing a very complex problem. We need to pray for our leaders to be strong in the wisdom of God as per 1 Timothy 2:2. Trying to balance the health and the economy of a nation in these circumstances calls for very hard decision making.

When needed we should address issues affecting restrictions on the church and issues in our culture that warrant our attention.

We must play a significant and essential role strengthening individuals and families in their spiritual, emotional & mental health.

We do not believe there is a deliberate plan at present by Western governments to persecute the church with the restrictions, which also apply to the broad business, commercial, entertainment and sports industries. We do not want to be paranoid nor position ourselves as victims. As we have said before as Church leaders we will comply until we can’t.

Both Chris and I have been vaccinated and encourage our staff to do the same but we also respect people’s choice in the matter. Some people have concerns about vaccinations due to their own experiences, the safety and side effects and the ethics in the testing and developing of certain vaccines. People will make choices according to their own conscience regarding vaccination. We respect individuals rights to make their choices. This is not a case for passing judgement on those who do and those who don’t, as per Romans 14:1-12. A wide variety of opinions exist within our churches on these matters. We pray for wisdom and courage for all our pastors to navigate our way through.

All of our communications in person, in the pulpit and on social media should be with wisdom and grace.

Regardless of what we believe about hidden agendas our focus must remain on the overarching sovereignty of God who has final authority over all the Earth. God is bigger than Covid. His government is above all others. Our eyes should be on Him above all else. We should neither be alarmed, fearful or distracted from Christ and His purpose of bringing salvation to people, making disciples and building His Church.