Response to A Current Affair Program 5 December 2019
Tonight, the A Current Affair program aired a story raising a number of allegations concerning our approach to people with serious mental health issues and our beliefs about same sex attracted people.
While we spent considerable time responding in detail to ACA’s allegations, tonight’s program is not a fair representation of our responses, nor of the care we provide for people in these situations.
The cases presented by A Current Affair tonight are extremely isolated examples of people whose experience of C3 did not match their expectations.
C3 Church Australia is a healthy, vibrant Christian Community where more than 61,000 Australians attend services each month. Over more than 39 years in operation, many of our founding families remain actively involved in the Church, evidencing the deep meaning and significance the vast majority of members find in their association with C3 Church.
As a faith-based organisation we aspire to live all the values and build the type of community that the gospel inspires. While the overwhelming majority of our members have a deep and rich experience through their association with C3, we are of course aware that for some people their expectations of being part of this community, are not realised.
As a community deeply committed to caring for individuals, we regret any situation where anyone has felt wounded or offended as a result of their experience.
Mental Health and C3
C3 has a robust approach to managing mental health issues which encompasses a four-pronged, consultative approach which is that the individual must have a: GP; a Psychologist; a regular C3 support person; and then a C3 Pastor in an oversight capacity. All members of this team work together in consultation and agreement on all steps.
We also have clear policies around medication prescribed by medical professionals, which is never to advise people to change any medication without clearance from their doctor.
C3 is constantly aware of the importance of keeping people safe and not trying to operate beyond our team’s level of expertise in managing issues of this nature and is committed to ongoing training of leaders and volunteers across the Church.
Same sex attraction and C3
With respect to C3 members who experience same sex attraction our approach is to embrace everyone and care for them on the basis of our overriding belief that our God is full of love and compassion for everybody, regardless of their personal circumstance or sexual orientation.
Allan Family
C3 was aware of the serious issues impacting the Allan family and provided extensive pastoral support in response, including up until the time of Mr Allan’s tragic death. The C3 pastors involved in the comprehensive care provided to the family over more than a decade have a markedly different recollection of the events from the account provided on the program.
C3 has an extensive track record of providing support to families in need and is a supporter of a wide range of charities, C3 has a regular program of giving to important causes, which over the past 7 years has seen approximately $4 million donated to external causes.
Cooked and served over 125,000 meals to people in need
Distributed 55,000 food hampers
Distributed 30,000 items of clothing
Facilitated 250 work placements
Given over $1million of goods, furniture, clothing and assistance