lars & megan halvorsen

C3 Australia Directors

Together Lars & Megan are the Senior Ministers of C3 Darwin and the Regional Directors for C3 Church Australia. Their passion is to build local churches that glorify Jesus where souls are saved, disciples are made and the supernatural power of God moves.

As the C3 Australia Regional Directors, Lars & Megan bring visionary and strategic leadership for our C3 Churches. They establish and maintain oversight structures as well as train and equip our leaders through regional conferences and gatherings.


Executive Team


Shaun White | General Manager

Shaun provides support to the Regional Directors through facilitating oversight for ministry management, ensuring resources are available to fulfil the outworking of vision and strategy.

Melissa Hind | Safety Management + Credentialling

Melissa oversees the management of our Safety Management Online (SMO) database for Childsafe Australia, offering training and guidance around processes, practices and policies with a focus on the protection of vulnerable people in our Churches; and oversees the credentialling of all C3 Australia pastors.


Richard Forsyth | National Operations

Richard facilitates and manages all operational aspects of the C3 National Team. A key responsibility is managing the oversight of Churches.


Greg French | Pastor Health

Greg is key in supporting all areas of the Executive Team, especially as it relates to the health and welfare of Church Pastors and their key teams.

Nick Hind | Culture + Communications

Nick oversees and facilitates all culture building opportunities and ministry gatherings for the nation, including Regional Gathering, Area Gatherings, and Xpress.


Jason Schroeder | Leadership Development Pipeline

Jason oversees a new arm of the C3 Australia team, working with C3 Global to develop resources for building strong leaders.